By Tom Lin

How do you equip an un-churched generation that struggles with mental health into Christian leadership? 

By Drew Larson

Behind Good Friday’s violence lies something more startling and, in some ways, even closer to our daily experience: Good Friday’s boredom. 

By Hannah Keziah Agustin

It's necessary that we as Gen Z know what we bring to the table and celebrate the unique quirks and characteristics that God has given us.

By Drew Larson

Loneliness is a remarkably durable, stubbornly persistent feature of life, no matter what kind of community we do or don’t have. In this isolated and anxious age, we need to have properly calibrated expectations for what community can — and can’t — do for loneliness.

By Hannah Keziah Agustin

Since hearing about Jesus, Darren continuously struggled with his faith. That was until Jesus spoke to him clearly and gave him purpose at the Urbana 22 Student Missions Conference. 

By Nathan Peterson

To celebrate Black History Month, we’re featuring God’s work through InterVarsity’s Black Campus Ministries (BCM) in Alabama. As a student herself, all Summer wanted was a deeper relationship with Jesus. Now as a campus minister, she gets to witness Jesus drawing students closer to himself. Read more of her story below.

By Andy Kim

Are you satisfied with your relationships? If you’re like most Americans, you probably aren’t. But here are five practices that can help you develop deep friendships.


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